Ntra. Sra. del Valle School

Address: General Weyler Street, 1

Post code: 41400

Town: Écija

Province: Sevilla

Phone numer: 955902720

Fax number: 954830294

Click on the link to get our locationhttp://goo.gl/DyJeCg  

How to get here?

From Seville

Upon entering Écija, go straight on until you have passed five roundabouts. Then, take the third exit from the next roundabout and go straight on again to go into the town centre.Finally, go straight on once more time until you reach a small square. Look at your right and here we are.

From Córdoba:

Upon entering Écija, go across the bridge which crosses River Genil. Once you get a roundabout, take the second exit and go straight on until you get to the town centre. Then, go straight on until you reach a small square. Look at your right and here we are.